AlMadrassaTV keeps up with the media coverage of students journalists for the 4th edition of the open doors of the general directorate of national security in Fez

AlMadrassaTV keeps up with the media coverage of students journalists for the 4th edition of the open doors of the general directorate of national security in Fez

Student Journalist: Good afternoon.

Police officer: Good afternoon and welcome to the open doors of the general directorate of national security .

Student Journalist: Name and representation?

Police officer: Police officer Younes El Mahfoudi, I represent the pole of international security collaboration in the general directorate of national security.

Student Journalist: What's your message to the general public through these open doors?

 Police officer: We would like to welcome the local public and to all the visitors in the city of City and we call them to visit the galleries and discover what the exhibition has to offer and to receive explanations and presentations regarding the various missions of the different bodies of the general directorate of national security. This will give them a clear and truthful image on the value of the security body which is a public utility at the service of the Moroccan Citizen.

Student Journalist: Yesterday was the 67th anniversary of the creation of the general directorate of national security, How did you feel about that?

Police officer: This is an anniversary not only for the Security body but also for all Moroccans, giving the fact that this body is at the service of Moroccan Citizens, and for me as member of this glorious body, I feel so honored and proud to belong to the general directorate of national security which provides great services to the Moroccan Citizen and to the homeland.

Student Journalist: How do you feel as a policeman, as his Majesty King always thank you for your services in his Royal speeches?

Police officer: This recognition is more of an assignment to men and women in the security field, as we always aim to develop our work and meet the expectations of his Majesty Our King and of the Moroccan people.

Police officer: I can testify that you've accomplished a mission and delivered a message with proficiency. And I wish you all the success in your school life and professional life in the future.