Creative imagination to expose the swindlers and imposters who covet young contractors

Creative imagination to expose the swindlers and imposters who covet young contractors

   Once upon a long time ago, there was a story of a private institution director who exploited the youth and deprived them from their hard-earned compensation, after long nights of hard work he denied them their earnings and fooled them...In the name of God we start our story.

  Our story begins with few young contractors active in the field of "advertising capsules" in one of the cities of the Kingdom, Its aim is to shed light on the presecution of one of the private higher education institutions that raises the slogan of : citizenship and governance, encouragement of youth and innovation, and stimulation of small private enterprises; in one of the regions of the Kingdom. 

  "O' Woe! what a scandal! A private university with length, width, height, and openness to the countries of the South, and publicity is everywhere, and from time to time they organize a splendid event where they invite the elite, and call the youth of a very small private entrepreneurship, that are just trying to get even with the taxes and the expenses, in order to make them advertising articles and capsules... Hahaha, the calamity is that the Boss, once told that dozens of advertising material has been made and he must pay he replied: "What payment...Isn't it for free? hahaha". And you Uncle Boss do you teach people's children for free? Is there any private business in the world giving services for free? What values and morals and principles do you teach students in your establishment?.... O' Woe! O' Woe! When people are going to find out about this, and see your true color, what will happen to you?

  Anyways, Uncle the boss of the institution, when he saw that he's stuck and was too greed to pay, he promised to not pay them. Imagine that he assigned one of the administrative officials to communicate with the youth who worked for him, and with no shame, they received them and started lying to them, and led them back and day after. Today the boss with sign your check... tomorrow it will be signed... the boss is on trip...."My mother is sick, she had a surgery".

     Eventually, the administrative official told the youth to bring a receit with a different price, other than what has been agreed upon. The youth agreed: No need to make a scene, let's just get over with it!

    And the dangerous thing is that he received a signed invoice from them, but never really paid them, and stopped answering their calls.
Our youth were a step a head, they have documented all their meetings both in audio and video, and they sit to watch the movie of the hungry band who covet the hard-working youth whose work is admirable.
     Now you know who we are talking about. "It's about you, you who are lowering your eyes"

    This is a fictional story and any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. And an attempt to urge private institutions to encourage creativity and creators and to pay the wages and fees of artists and stop the abuse towards youth. Over each power and bigger power. and the stick you'll look down to, might blind you... and lead you to a dance here and there...

          May God have mercy on creativity and creators, and shame on fraudsters and imposters. "May god turn it to poison"

          Note: If the readers interact positively with this creative story, it will be turned into a cinematic work And see you in another story of your creativity.