The student Journalist Aicha, from "City School" in Fez, in an interview with three security officials during the open doors Gallery of the genral directorate of national security in Fez

Good afternoon Good afternoon Name and representation?  Oukssim Mohamed, Police officer in Digital service. Mariama El Iraqi, Comptroller General, Head of service of the Judicial Police directorate. Mehdi Karkas, Police officer in the general directorate of national security.  Could you tell us how the idea of Open doors came by? And why did you choose the City of Fez?  Of course, The City of Fez is a city rich in history  and the general directorate is aiming to reach all Moroccan citizens.  The Aim is to give the citizens a chance to come and get to know the security services and all the efforts made by the general directorate of national security in the protection of citizens and the protection of properties.  Are there any partners that helped in the organization of the open doors?  Indeed, for instance, this same hallway where we are now is the fruit of a partnership between the general directorate of national security and the national council for human rights.  Could you tell us what's the message you would like to send to all students throught the open doors?  I want to tell them not to trust strangers, even if a stranger tries to give them something like a gift or a candy and tells them that mom or dad sent them to bring them back home, they should not trust the stranger and they are opt to tell their teacher and wait inside the institutions until their parents come to get them. And their body is sacred, they should not let anyone take pictures of them or touch them in sensitive places and they should report any abuse. They have nothing to be scared of, all they have to do is to head to security services accompanied with their parents.  In our digital service, we want to tell students to study hard so that they can later help us in the development of the digital service. The digital service relies on new technologies and we rely on the new generation in helping us more in its development.  Could describe your feeling to us, as you are being interviewed by a student journalist?   It's a great pleasure, I'm honored to be interviewed by you and I am surprised by your proficiency level and your courage, may god bless you!  I'm proud to be with a young journalist and I'll be glad to read your articles when you grow up, and even now. And I wish you all the sucess, to you and your collegues.  Thank you!