The 2023/2024 academic year in the Directorate of Education in El Jadida marks the commencement of practical measures aimed at implementing the 2022-2026 roadmap

The 2023/2024 academic year in the Directorate of Education in El Jadida marks the commencement of practical measures aimed at implementing the 2022-2026 roadmap

During the current school year, the El Jadida region will witness the intiation of several physical projects and pedagogical programs aligned with the goals and objectives outlined in the roadmap, encompassing three key areas : students, teachers, and schools. Below are the key highlights of the 2023/2024 academic year in the Directorate of El Jadida :

1.      New school Intitatives :  this academic year will witness the commencement of constructing five new educational institutions, including :
Al Marabtin School in El Jadida Municipality * Sidi Ahmed Ben Mbarek Communal School in Ouled Ghanem Rural Commune * An-Nour Communal School in Makras Rural Commune (this institution will be used to expand the secondary education offering) * Sidi Ismail Communal School in Sidi Ismail Rural Commune * Al-Imam Ash-Shafi'i Preparatory High School in Sidi Ismail Rural Commune

2.      Expansions : The 2023/2024 school year will also witness the commencement of constructing  50 new primary education classrooms in various institutions and school groups throughout the province. This initiative aims to address the rising demand for education, especially in rural areas. It is worth noting that the new province has experienced a significant increase in its rural population compared to urban areas. The Provincial Directorate, under the supervision of the Academy, has diligently provided all the necessary equipments and human resources to ensure the smooth operation of this new educational facility.

3.      Primary Education : in the 2023/2024 academic year, the number of primary education units will surpass 500, with more than 520 male and female educators actively contributing to these institrutions. Among these units, 60 are newly established. Furthermore, over 200 primary education units, previously under the purview of the national education sector, will now be operated by the national initiative for human development through a formal partenship agreement. The El Jadida Province has gained recognition as one of the nation’s most proactive regions in the implementation of the national project for universal primary education. The enrollment rate for children aged 4 and 5 has exceeded 77%. It is crucial to highlight the invaluable role played by private education in expanding primary education offerings, especially in rural areas. The management of public primary education units is governed by partenship agreements between the Provincial Directorate or Regional Academic institutions and specialized associations with an interset in primary education. The ministry, through the Academy, allocates more than 50 thousand dirhams in support to each primary education department. In its commitement to supporting the management of primary education departements, the Directorate has strenthened its partnerships with the most effective associations. The number of active associations has been reduced from 77 in 2022 to just 10 for the 2023/2024 academic year, with seven of these associations engaged in regional partnerships with the Directorate , and three collaborating with the academy.

4.      Compensation for Dismanteled Construction : the Provincial Directorate has established a program to remove dismantled structures from educational institutions by the end of 2024. While challenges persist in meeting this timeline due to certain one-site difficulties, the program is making steady progress. Efforts are underway to replace 100 rooms with new ones to compensate for those that have been dismantled.

The National Pioneer School Project : Seven educational institutions are participating in the national pilot school project, situated both in urban and rural areas. All of these institutions have undergone rehabilitation and have received the necessary equipments to implement the projects’s program. These institutions play a pivotal role in enhancing quality indicators by adopting pedagogical, administrative, and financial measures in support of the project. The total cost of these intitatives, which includes construction, expansion, replacement of dismantled buildings, enhancements to primary education, and rehabilitation, has exccedded 100 million dirhams.